Globally renowned for our teaching and research, Leeds is home one of the leading multidisciplinary engineering schools in Europe. The impact of our research is wide-ranging and covers many sectors specifically energy and transport, health and personal care, and speciality materials sectors. Our links with industry ensure that we are responsive to their needs in our research and teaching. Our ADDoPT team is led by Kevin Roberts, Brotherton Professor of Chemical Engineering. Amongst other things, Professor Roberts is a leading member of the Institute of Particle Science and Engineering (IPSE), a centre of excellence helping to improve quality of life by addressing the engineering science of particulate processes and products.
Within the ADDoPT project the University of Leeds is leading and playing a prominent role in, WP4 to produce sophisticated constitutive models for manufacturing processes and product performance based on the underpinning science across a range of length scales. In WP7 Leeds is contributing to the training objectives through the establishment of a new MSc course in Digital Design.