We are delighted to report that the quality of ADDoPT post-doctoral research fellow Dr Ioannis Fragkopoulos' efforts to characterize and model particulate systems in pharmaceutical pressure filtration has been recognised with the Prize for best presentation in the “Particulate Systems” session at the recent Chemical Engineering Day UK 2019 conference.
Ioannis presented his ADDoPT project work entitled “Constant pressure filtration of pharmaceuticals: An integrated experimental and modelling study”. on which he has been working in association with Professor Frans Muller at the University of Leeds and in collaboration with other ADDoPT partners.. Ioannis recently recorded a short video for ADDoPT in which he outlined some of the key features and benefits of his research for the pharmaceutical industry, and you can also find some of his results among the posters presented at the recent ADDoPT Digital Design Showcase event, as well as in the form of a forthcoming peer-reviewed publication. Feel free to contact Ioannis for more details.
Congratulations to Ioannis for the excellence he has sustained throughout this period, and all good wishes for future success as he looks to pursue future opportunities in industry.
More about Ioannis Fragkopoulos on LinkedIn.