Taking ADDoPT across the pond

Capitalising on a focus on “Advanced Materials, Technologies, Systems & Processes” and a dedicated session pharmaceutical development respectively, the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) recently took the opportunity to represent the ADDoPT Project at two major American conferences.

In April Dr. Mathew Bryant flew to San Francisco, to the 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting in order to give a talk entitled, “Streamlining pharmaceutical supply chain processes: The emerging application of solid-state structural informatics”. In this presentation, he introduced the new Cambridge Structural Database Drug Subset, a targeted data set of over 8,000 crystal structures representing nearly 800 drug molecules identified from the approved drug database of Drugbank.ca. As part of the ADDoPT project, this data is already being used in the development of a new structural-informatics approach to predict physical properties of crystalline products.

Towards the end of May, it was back across the Atlantic to the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association in New Orleans. Giving a presentation entitled “Applying structural informatics approaches to pharmaceutical supply chain processes”, Dr. Andrew Maloney described how the ADDoPT project is making use of the thousands of drug crystal structures in the Cambridge Structural Database to establish the key links between structural features and potential formulation issues.

By applying a solid-form informatics approach, the CCDC is directing the development and application of predictive tools that exploit the understanding of crystalline structures. These tools can then be applied to support the design of more robust manufacturing processes and the identification of the most appropriate formulation decisions. For further information on CCDC's role in ADDoPT and expected outcomes, please feel free to contact Mathew Bryant, Andrew Maloney or Neil Feeder.